From trash to treasure, this little beauty is a new fave in our house! Before I get too far, I have to say a HUGE thank you to my dear MIL and SIL who saw this desk and chair on the side of the road and stopped to pick it up. Then they convinced my FIL to schlep it across state lines and allow it to collect dust in his garage for a few months. I’m so glad they did!
Despite it’s drab, army green color this little set was in fabulous shape! It had been obviously loved but had also been taken care of well. All that it needed was a fresh coat of paint, a new seat cushion, and some hardware and it would make the perfect desk for our oldest daughter, Eva. She’s in first grade now and is just entering the homework scene. I couldn’t wait to makeover this desk to give her a special spot for completing all those worksheets!
I really wanted her to be involved in the DIY process as well. So, as a Christmas present, we wrapped a box containing a paint brush and some paint swatches and put it under the tree. She wandered around the house with those swatches and deliberated for days before picking the paint color for her “big girl” desk. Much to my delight, she’s always been an aqua girl like her Mama so when she chose a poppin’ shade of blue I was beyond excited! (In other news: the brainwashing is working!) 😉 I waited until sample sized paints went on sale at our local Ace Hardware then brought home the cutest can of Clark + Kensington Paint and Primer in One in Seafoam Green for $1.99. Woot! Love me a good bargain!
After the paint color was selected we headed to Joann Fabrics for Eva to pick out the fabric for her new chair cushion. This is the part where I was blown away. For some reason I figured she would pick a “little girl” kind of fabric like Hello Kitty. Or maybe something glittery or flowery. Or maybe she would choose something bright blue and matchy-matchy. She chose zebra print. Zebra! The only part of our house that has any animal print is a collection of hand carved wooden safari animals we brought back from Africa. I have no idea where her love of zebra print came from!?! But it is so. darn. cute. It also made me realize that my “little girl” is quickly becoming a burgeoning tween. Gulp.
Whatever the rationale behind her decision making, we headed to the cutting counter with zebra print upholstery fabric and some quilt batting to pad the chair. We needed enough fabric & batting to cover her chair cushion plus enough fabric to line the desk drawer – it was looking a little shabby inside there! We ended up with 1 yard of each for a total of about $8 thanks to sales and coupons.
Now home to get started! After donning old clothes and laying down a drop cloth we got to work. It’s amazing what a 7 year old can do with a paint roller. 🙂 She did most of the flat surfaces while I got the nooks & crannies.
While the desk and chair were drying we covered the seat cushion and lined the drawer with Eva’s zebra fabric. I’ll write a more detailed post about both of those projects in the coming days. For now, here’s a look at what we used!
Finally we added simple, black hardware that Eva chose (Source: Lowe’s, $2.97 each) and a lumbar pillow I found on clearance (Source: Target, $8.48). Voila! The once drab, little desk became the cutest, trendiest, eye-catching-est place for our first grader to do her homework.
Not going to lie, I’m a little jealous. 😉 We still haven’t decided where its forever home in our house will be. If it was up to Eva she would put it in the middle of the kitchen. As for her mom, well I’m not so sure that’s the most practical spot…
Whatever we decide about its location, I love this piece because of it’s price – I spent less than $25 people! T w e n t y – f i v e. You cannot beat that!
I love it even more so because it was a project my girl and I worked on together. There was something so magical about watching her make the decisions and become a part of the DIY process. I will cherish those moments with her forever.
I hope you found encouragement and inspiration for your own furniture makeover today, friends! I also hope that you have a little someone to work with at home. Let’s #DIYtogether!
Way to go Eva Bug! You have great taste and did a beautiful job. You too Margaret 🙂
Haha, thanks Aunt Amy! She’s loving it 🙂