Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we’ve been busy in the Mountain house crafting some goodies for our classmates. I’m not sure about your school, but in ours there are some pretty strict “no-food-allowed” rules. That’s why I snatched up some tubes of bubbles when I saw them at Target. I mean, who doesn’t love bubbles?! I’ve been known to have these handy tubes tucked into my purse and use them as a distraction on long rides or long grocery store trips. Such joy from such a simple little treat!
Next, all I had to do was whip up a printable to go with the bubbles. I immediately thought of a song I’ve always loved by Sam Cooke – “Cupid Draw Back Your Bow“. Maybe you’ve heard it? So great, right?! The idea of drawing back your bow conjured up the image of arrows. Imagine that?! These days I’m in love with arrows. All the arrows. It’s a seriously awesome design trend. I was downright giddy when I realized I could use the bubbles as an arrow and figured out a way to play on the lyrics.
“Cupid, draw back your bow
And let your bubbles blow!”
Gah! I must say, I’m loving these suckers. Because the bubbles from Target came in four colors (red, pink, blue, and yellow) I made a red & pink version as well as a blue & yellow version. And now I’d love to share all these colorful valentines with you, my dear readers! You’ll find the FREE printables below!
Red & Pink Cupid Draw Back Your Bow Valentine
Blue & Yellow Cupid Draw Back Your Bow Valentine
Here’s what you’ll need to put yours together:
-Your choice of FREE printable
-Straight edge
-Exacto knife (if you don’t have one, your scissors will do)
-Cutting surface
First, I cut my valentines into four quarters.
Then I used my straight edge and exacto knife to make two 1 1/4″ openings – one at the base of the arrow “head” and then another one at the tip of the “feathers”.
My little helper pushed the tube of bubbles through the openings and we secured it in the back with a bit of tape.
She addressed them and ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom! A winner for the Valentine’s Day boxes at school!
We hope you enjoy making them as much as we did! Don’t forget to subscribe and follow us on social media before you go! Happy heart day, friends!